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Ultimate Tomato Soup

Ultimate Tomato Soup

Cooking Time 1 hour
Skill Level Easy
Serves 4 portions
Preparation Time 10 minutes


2 red peppers, deseeded and sliced in half

6 medium tomatoes, sliced in half

1 garlic bulb


Seasonings of choice

Salt and pepper

Olive oil

500ml water

3 tbsp Mornflake Beat3 Oat Bran 


  • Preheat the oven to 170°C.
  • Deseed your peppers and cut in half lengthways, laying flat on a baking tray. Do the same with your tomatoes, slicing in half and laying cut side up on the tray.
  • Cut the top off your garlic bulb, placing it onto the tray, then cover everything in olive oil, salt and pepper.
  • Roast for 45 minutes, then add everything to a blender, squeezing your garlic out of its bulb, blending with your water, stock and Mornflake Beat3 Oat Bran until smooth – add basil here if you’d like to.
  • Pour your soup into a pan, heating on medium heat and seasoning as you’d like to.
  • Serve hot with a cheese toastie, bread or sandwich.