The Series, marking its 30th year, is back with a full programme of events from April, and after many were forced to cancel during the pandemic, organisers plan to make it the ‘biggest and best’ with new challenges for the super-fit and beginners. This year’s programme, beginning in Birmingham on April 24 to October, includes a World Triathlon Qualifier for championships to be staged in Pontevedra, Spain next year and a return to Nantwich where the Series all began 30 years ago.
There are 17 dates in total with Barony Park and Nantwich Swimming Pool hosting the Cheshire event on May 22 and the North West Triathlon on September 2022. Beginners can choose distances starting at a 200m swim, 9k cycle and 2.5k run and organisers, based in Wybunbury near Crewe, are inviting fundraisers to compete at their own pace in the CRUK Wave for Cancer Research.
UK Triathlon race director Keith Hancock said: “Mornflake has been a stalwart of the Series for many years and it’s great to have this local company onboard again in our special anniversary year.
“We pride ourselves on building long-lasting relationships with our partners and Mornflake is a great fit with our ethos of encouraging all abilities to take on a fitness challenge and feel the thrill of reaching the finish line.
“We are delighted to be back with a full programme, and with our oldest sponsor at our side we hope to make this year the biggest and best yet.”
Mornflake managing director James Lea said: “The UK Triathlon Series was born just a few miles from our mill in Crewe and now gives thousands of people an annual fitness challenge to strive towards while also providing a platform for fundraising.
“Getting behind it each year offers us an opportunity to spread the word about including home-grown British oats in a healthy diet and encourage exercise from a young age.
To take part in a UK Triathlon event call 01270 842800 or visit